Hi, this is Irv from software for healthcare. On your screen, you will see two HCFA forms or CMS 1500 forms. The one on the left is the one that's in use as of January 2014, and the one on the right will be required as of April 1st, 2014. While I'm talking, you might want to try to go to full screen. Just click on full screen and then at that little gear at the bottom of YouTube's a high density 720 and give it about 30 seconds to clear up. And then after that, if that doesn't work, go back to small screen. I'll be expanding everything so you can see it well, okay? Both of these forms were printed by Doc Pro with the latest update. Right now, I'm just going to stick with the forms, and later, if you want more, you can go over and look at the tutorials under Doc Pro. Okay, on the left is the CSA CMS 1500 form that's in use today, and it's generally identifiable by the date down here, which is August of '05. That is the last time that form was changed. On this one on the right, it's coming out. It's dated actually February 12, and also, it's got this new 21st century scan code up on the top left. National Government Services, who is the Medicare contractor for New England, has already announced that they will require the form on April 1st, 2014. And, I believe that is national as well, to see a CMS edict. There are only small differences between the forms. I mean, look at the difference between the left and the right. This is really the same patient, if you know. The only differences are going to be down here in the diagnosis, the only...
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Free fillable Cms 1500 2/12 Form: What You Should Know
CMS 1500 — Patient's Signature FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ/Q CMS 1500 Form (2013) QUESTIONS CONCERNING FORM DESCRIPTION “This new form will replace both the Form CMS-1130 (previously called the CMS-1130A with 1/2 page) AND the CMS-1130C version” “FORM 1500 is required by Medicare to establish a patient's payment for medical services furnished by a non-institutional provider or supplier through an HMO, HSA or PPO” FORMS CMS 1500/1130 (2017) “CMS 1500 is the standardized non-institutional provider or supplier claim form Medicare now issues when the claims are billed to Medicare carriers and durable medical equipment providers” CMS 1500 (2013) (2017) QUESTIONS CONCERNING FORM DESCRIPTION “The Form 1500 does NOT replace the CMS-1130 form. The CMS-1500 is simply a new format for the form.” “There are two issues with the CMS-1130 format: 1. It was designed for use by Medicare contractors and health maintenance organizations (HMO's). It is not a format that can be easily customized to meet the unique requirements of Medicare carriers.” “The CMS-1130 format does not include the provider information necessary to calculate the deductible, co-payment and coinsurance amounts.” “The Form 1500 format provides the required to be detailed provider information to calculate the beneficiary/participant deductible, co-payment and coinsurance amounts.” “The Form 1500 format allows claims for which the provider does not report to the CMS to be processed and paid without the requirement for the provider to submit a request for a review of the claim.” QUESTIONS CONCERNING FORM AND REVISIONS REVISED FORM FOR 2014: 1. WHY DO WE HAVE TWO VERSIONS OF THE FORM (2013 & 2017)? In an effort to ensure consistency with changes to Medicare cost report forms, CMS adopted new forms in 2025 and 2017. Changes were made during the year in addition to the adoption, including the addition of forms for physician self-referral and new claim features and the elimination of the CMS-1130. (CMS-1130 was an outdated format that was no longer being used by many Medicare employers.) A year later, CMS published a second revision of the Form 1500, updating the information that was submitted and the required form components.
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